M G Harish

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Project - Conjuring the idea

Once the struggle began, everyone was searching for the project. Some got it from seniors, some decided to go for consultancies, some tried to get from the companies they were recruited to and some others tried do something new. Our batch is of last category. Everyone in our batch inclined towards doing it on our own. And one more important thing is that everyone in our batch, in one or the other way, wanted to do a project on embedded systems!! V wanted to do a digital electronics project, I & C wanted to do embedded systems, and J was one step ahead, he wanted to do a remote control like project.

So, it was not difficult for us to find the domain of the project.. "Embedded Systems". But the real hard thing came next, finding the actual project.

At first we had an idea of doing a water level controller. We had even sketched the basic things about it. But it was just an idea, not the final one. Everyone was peeking at every place for any project ideas that may come to their mind. Not to mention, I was also looking at everywhere, where I could find a good project idea...

One fine day (actually night), I was about to sleep, and I forgot to put on the fan. Being a little (err... a lot) lazy, I thought of doing something which makes me control the fan from the bed itself! But how? Putting the switchboard near the bed is not an option in my home. So, I thought of any other way, and I got it! Controlling it using a remote controller. But having that remote controller near you always isn't feasible. So what? Having a mobile phone certainly is!! So, the idea is to control the switch using mobile phone. But again, how? Using Bluetooth!!! And that became the basic idea for our project...

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